Why The Only Way Is Your Way
In a world overflowing with wellness trends, diet plans, and expert opinions, it’s easy to feel like you’re constantly searching for the right way to eat, heal, and live. But what if the answer isn’t out there? What if the only meaningful ‘way’ to approach your health and wellbeing is your way?
There Is No One-Size-Fits-All Approach to Health
The truth is, there is no universal formula for wellbeing. Your body is unique. Your history, emotions, and needs are yours alone. So how can following a generic plan be meaningful for you? What worked for me, your sister, your best friend, a celebrity, or even a leading health expert, might not be what you and your body truly needs.
I’m passionate about this because I know what it feels like to try so many different ways of eating, supplementing and treatments, and none of them really working for me, at least not for the long-term. It’s stressful, frustrating and easy to start doubting your body and feeling like it’s somehow against you or just defective! In this sense, the BeU Method is built on the understanding that healing is deeply personal. There is no magic meal plan, no single workout routine, no miracle supplement that works for everyone. Your body holds the answers, you just need to learn how to listen.
Tuning Into Your Own Wisdom
We’ve been conditioned to believe that health comes from external sources, like experts, scientific studies, and mainstream advice. And while knowledge is valuable, true healing begins when you begin turning your attention to within yourself. You may not be aware of this, or understand it, but your body speaks to you every day, in every moment, through energy levels, thoughts, feelings, and physical symptoms. The key is learning to listen and notice these signals, and developing the awareness to make this possible, which unlocks your ability to make meaningful choices for you and your unique body.
We Can No Longer Follow Rigid Rules
Rather than blindly following rigid rules, we have to learn to intelligently follow our own wisdom, and have the awareness and discipline to make choices that align with this information in order to heal and truly facilitate our health and wellbeing. Anything else, at best, works temporarily - believe me, I know!
What I have learnt is absolutely essential to heal, and what the BeU Method guides people through, is:
Self Awareness - Understanding that ultimately you are not your personality and physical body, in fact, that’s only a tiny percentage of who-you-are. Beginning to develop awareness of your greater self, U, as consciousness and energy, not philosophically, but literally and quantifiably, rather than just identifying with the personality and physical ‘you’ is a fundamental first step.
Mental Awareness - Understanding that all illness and dis-ease starts in the mind, and therefore, all healing must begin in the mind. We have to appreciate the direction of causation in manifestation to meaningfully and intelligently approach healing of any kind of symptom or dis-ease. You are consciousness, an energy being, with an energetic blueprint that is ‘perfect’ and whole - this is U in the sense of your ‘greater Self’. But as you live your life and accumulate experiences and programming that creates a departure from your blueprint, thinking unloving and unkind thoughts about yourself and developing false beliefs about your self-worth and value, this creates a distortion that ricochet’s through your emotional and physical body, translating into stress and tension, and is the root of ALL dis-ease.
Emotional Awareness – Understanding how the body stores emotions, the emotional responses to your thoughts and your perception of yourself and your life. If your thoughts are unloving and unkind, and therefore untrue about Yourself, then the type of emotions you will experience and tend to store within your body will be full of stress, tension and negative emotions, all of which negatively interfere with the functioning of your physical body, throughout every bodily system. Stress, fear, and unresolved negative emotions that are stored within your body directly impact your physical health, and must be addressed in order to invoke any kind of meaningful healing intervention.
Physical Awareness - Understanding the physical body is the final stage of manifestation, and is a physical representation of the emotional response to a, usually chronic, thought pattern developed in the mind, which is not in alignment with your ultimate, greater Self - U. Whilst supporting the body through appropriate foods, supplements, therapies and lifestyle, that are specifically appropriate for your unique body, is necessary and helpful, true healing, and complete relief from symptoms can only come when you take into consideration your whole Being.
This Is Why The Only Way Is Your Way!
The only way to lasting health and healing is to fully embrace all aspects of yourself, and in the context of your greater Self, the real U.
This is a process, and a continual one, for me included. I temporarily ‘forget’ all of this when something grabs my attention, like my skin, or my digestion is going crazy… both current topics, and it takes a while to settle back into this knowing. But when I do, there is an ease that comes over me, as if to affirm that I’m on My path, and I begin to feel relief!
So it may sound like this big huge thing, but actually, when you develop awareness and get to the root of dis-ease, you will find it quicker and easier to heal than you ever thought possible, because now you’re leveraging your full power of influence, working with your energy and awareness, and in doing so Being more of the real U, and this can’t help but feel good as the burden of all that isn’t U is released!
Love Laura :)x