There Is No ‘One-Size-Fits-All’

Weight discomfort is something so many of us experience, at least at some point in our life. I for sure have had my fair share of experiences when I’ve felt so uncomfortable in my body and miserable about my weight, which has manifested in a whole host of eating challenges, and basically not looking after myself.

These sorts of negative experiences with food and our body can be a slippery slope, and the heavier it gets the heavier we feel, regardless of what we actually weigh!

However, after working through my own experiences, and working with hundreds of men and women, this is what I KNOW FOR SURE!

Each of us are completely and utterly unique, in body, mind and soul, and what may create health and lightness in one person may create the exact opposite in another.  Ever been on a diet and followed it to the letter with your sister or girlfriend, and she felt fantastic whilst you remained totally the same, or worse still, heavier than ever?!

So, it is crystal clear that we need an approach to food and our body that understands our uniqueness and seeks a more inspired, intelligent, intuitive approach.

Also, I would like you to consider this for a second (even though the diet and weight loss industry conveniently pay this zero attention). There are extremely powerful factors that directly influence your body health and weight that are nothing to do with what you eat or how much you eat, and they are your expectations, thoughts and emotional state.

‘You are what you eat’ is true, but only to a certain extent. ‘You are what you think’ is literally the Holy Grail of your entire experience, weight, health and otherwise, and has been proven in many research studies investigating the Placebo Effect.

Thoughts and emotions are so powerful, it is practically impossible to manifest a healthy, comfortable feeling body without a healthy, comfortable feeling mind.

Therefore, the starting point of any endeavour to change your body or heal yourself, from anything, MUST be love, as love is the essential ingredient of a healthy, comfortable feeling mind.

Before you panic that this all sounds too abstract, in practical terms, this means thinking and feeling loving thoughts and emotions about yourself, and then taking inspired actions from this place of acceptance and appreciation, rather from a place of feeling like there is something wrong, or unlovable about you and your body that needs fixing.

Thankfully there are many tools and techniques that can support us in this journey of self-love and self-care, helping us to lighten up along the way, on all levels! I share some of them with you in Plan Be: HEALED.

And then the fun can start, which is discovering which foods, supplements, ways of eating, forms of movement and rituals that will nourish you and help your system to come back into balance. It’s fun because it’s all inspired by your body wisdom, which means it will feel natural and a pleasure, rather than a chore, finding the path of least resistance to help your body get into a state of flow and lightness. If you’d like my help to do this you can take a look at my BeU Coaching Programmes or have a Nutrition and Wellbeing Reading!

I urge you to remember there is no ‘one-size-fits-all’ approach to eating and lifestyle that creates lightness in all of us, we each have to find our own way, and this requires going inward and reconnecting to the wisdom of our own body. And maybe this is the ultimate reason for discomfort, to help you find and love yourself.

With love, Laura xx


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